3 min readMar 21, 2021

Now what is ansible? It is simple IT automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs. Ansible simple allow you to automate, configure and deployed by writing code and using their modules which makes ansible intelligent will do you all tasks in one go without all the hassle that we used to face before by all the things manually.

  • Playbooks

Playbooks are used to write the code that do your all tasks weather it is automation, configuration or deployment in multiple systems in one go. Playbooks are written in language called YAML and are quite powerful as they plays a crucial role for IT automation in ansible.

  • Inventory

Inventory is the location where all node addresses are stored in order to execute tasks at the nodes.
These inventories are very useful as we can classify servers as webserver or database server, etc. Which is found to be very useful while writing playbooks.

Automate Microsoft Azure simply — Chances are teams in your organization are already successfully deploying workloads in public cloud. As more new applications are built natively for the cloud, IT leaders are looking for ways to deliver a consistent customer experience and management strategy across cloud and on-premise applications. The good news — if your IT teams are already using Ansible to describe on-premise infrastructure and applications, then you can easily use these descriptions to automate the same workloads in Microsoft Azure.

Azure supports customers’ push to hybrid cloud in the areas of infrastructure, user identity and management. Using Ansible to automate these Azure services gives organizations the flexibility to run workloads where they best make sense.

Automate once, Deploy anywhere — Ansible’s library of Azure modules makes it easy to provision instances, networks, and complete Azure infrastructure whenever you need, and in any region you require. For example, the same simple Playbook language you use for application deployment and on-prem automation also provisions your Azure infrastructure, applying the correct configuration.

Windows, Linux, Services, Networks AND MORE — Azure hosts a lot more than just Windows, and thankfully Ansible automates it all. Ansible has been designed for cloud deployments from the beginning, and Ansible easily allows you to provision a variety of Azure cloud services. Whether you’re building a simple 3-tier application, or a complicated set of virtual private clouds, services, and applications, your Azure environments can be described in Ansible Playbooks, and then scaled out across regions.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides scalable infrastructure and solutions to meet the needs of your organization. GCP offers on-demand instances, software-defined networking, storage and databases, and big data solutions — and they’re all available at your fingertips. GCP enables your applications to take advantage of Google’s significant infrastructure, utilizing their best-of-breed technology and innovation, and only pay for what you need when you need it.

The Ansible/GCP integration gives you everything you need to manage your IT infrastructure. From provisioning instances and auto-scaling, custom networks and load balancing, and even managing DNS and cloud storage, it’s all provided. Use the Ansible/GCP tutorial and examples in your Playbooks.

~ Thanks for reading. ✨

